N. Hassler, V. Vajnovszki, D. Wong, Efficient generation of some greedy Gray codes, Korean Mathematical Society Annual Meeting, October 2024, Suwon, Republic of Korea.
N. Hassler, V. Vajnovszki, D. Wong,
Greedy Gray codes for some restricted classes of
binary words, GASCom 2024, June 24-28, Bordeaux, France.
J.-L. Baril, S. Kirgizov, R. Maréchal, and V. Vajnovszki, Grand Dyck paths with air pockets, The Art of Discrete and Applied Mathematics, 7 #P1.07 (2024).
D. Wong and V. Vajnovszki, Greedy Gray codes for Dyck words and ballot sequences, COCOON 2023, 15th-17th Dec. 2023, Hawaii, USA
J.-L. Baril, S. Kirgizov, R. Maréchal, and V. Vajnovszki, Enumeration of Dyck Paths with Air Pockets, Journal of Integer Sequences, Vol. 26 (2023), Article 23.3.2
J.-L. Baril, S. Kirgizov, V. Vajnovszki,
Asymptotic bit frequency in Fibonacci words,
Pu.M.A., 30(1), 23-30 (2022).
Phan Thuan Do, Thi Thu Huong Tran, Vincent Vajnovszki,
The equidistribution of some Mahonian statistics over permutations avoiding a pattern of length three,
Discrete Mathematics, 345, 112684 (2022).
J.-L. Baril, S. Kirgizov, V. Vajnovszki,
Gray code for Fibonacci q-decreasing words,
Theoretical Computer Science, 927, 120-132 (2022).
J-L Baril, G. Cerbai, C. Khalil, V. Vajnovszki,
Catalan and Schröder permutations sortable by two restricted stacks,
I.P.L. 171: 106138 (2021).
Jean-Luc Baril, Carine Khalil, Vincent Vajnovszki,
Catalan words avoiding pairs of length three patterns, Discret. Math. Theor. Comput. Sci. 22(2) (2021).
Also in Permutation Patterns 2019, Zürich, Switzerland, June 17-21, 2019.
Jean-Luc Baril, Vincent Vajnovszki,
Popularity of patterns over d-equivalence classes of
words and permutations, Theoretical Computer Science, 814, 249-258 (2020).
Also in, GTCA 2019, U.A.E., October 2019.
Ahmad Sabri, Vincent Vajnovszki,
On the exhaustive generation of generalized ballot sequences in lexicographic and Gray code order,
Pu.M.A., 28(1), 109-119. Also in GASCom 2018,
June 18-20, Athens, Greece.
CEUR Proceedings Vol. 2113, 195-201.
Sergey Kitaev, Vladimir N. Potapov, V. Vajnovszki,
On shortening u-cycles and u-words for permutations, Discrete Applied Mathematics,
Vol. 260, 203-213 (2019).
Phan Thuan Do, Thi Thu Huong Tran, Vincent Vajnovszki,
Exhaustive generation for permutations avoiding a (colored) regular set of patterns,
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 268, 44-45, 2019.
S. Fu, T. Hua, V. Vajnovszki, Mahonian stat on rearrangement class of words,
Discrete Applied Mathematics,
Vol. 270, 134-141 (2019).
Jean-Luc Baril, Sergey Kirgizov, Vincent Vajnovszki,
Descent distribution on Catalan words avoiding a pattern of length at most three,
Discrete Mathematics, 341(9), 2608-2615, 2018.
V. Vajnovszki,
The equidistribution of some length three vincular patterns on S(132), I.P.L., 130, 40-45, 2018.
Also in,
18th Italian Conference on Theoretical Computer Science, 26-28 September 2017, Naples, Italy.
T.T.H. Tran, P.T. Do and V. Vajnovszki,
Right-justified characterization for generating regular pattern avoiding permutations,
7th International Conference on Mathematical Aspects of Computer and Information Sciences,
November 15-17, 2017, Wien, Austria.
J.-L. Baril, S. Kirgizov, V. Vajnovszki,
Patterns in treeshelves, Discrete Mathematics, 340(12), 2946-2954, 2017.
V. Vajnovszki, The equidistribution of some descent set based statistics on words,
26th British Combinatorial Conference, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, 3–7 July 2017.
J.-L. Baril, V. Vajnovszki,
A permutation code preserving a double Eulerian bistatistic, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 224, 9-15, 2017.
A. Sabri, V. Vajnovszki, More restricted growth functions:
Gray codes and exhaustive generations,
Graphs and Combinatorics, 33(3) 573-582, 2017.
Also as: Bounded growth functions: Gray codes and exhaustive generation,
JCCA, May 21-25, Kyoto, Japan, 2016.
A. Bernini, S. Bilotta, R. Pinzani, V. Vajnovszki,
A Gray Code for cross-bifix-free sets,
Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, 27(2), 184-196, 2017.
S. Avgustinovich, S. Kitaev, V.N. Potapov, V. Vajnovszki,
Gray coding planar maps, Theoretical Computer Science, 616, 59-69, 2016.
S. Kitaev, V. Vajnovszki,
Mahonian STAT on words, IPL, 116(2), 157-162, 2016.
arXiv and a C program
A. Bernini, S. Bilotta, R. Pinzani, V. Vajnovszki,
A trace partitioned Gray code for q-ary generalized Fibonacci strings,
Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography, 18(6), 751-761, 2015.
A. Bernini, S. Bilotta, R. Pinzani, A. Sabri, V. Vajnovszki,
Reflected Gray codes for q-ary words avoiding a given factor,
Acta Informatica, 52(7), 573-592, 2015.
arXiv and a
C program
A. Sabri, V. Vajnovszki,
Reflected Gray code based orders on some restricted growth sequences,
The Computer Journal 58(5), 1099-1111, 2015.
A. Sabri, V. Vajnovszki,
Restricted Steinhaus-Johnson-Trotter list. ICGT 2014, Grenoble June 30-July 4,
A. Bernini, S. Bilotta, R. Pinzani, A. Sabri, V. Vajnovszki,
Prefix partitioned Gray codes for particular cross-bifix-free sets,
Cryptography and Communications, 6(4) (2014), 359-369.
V. Vajnovszki,
Generating permutations with a given major index, Journal of Discrete Algorithms 26 (2014), 77-88.
arXiv and some
S. Brlek, V. Vajnovszki,
A new vincular pattern based Mahonian statistic on words,
Kolloquium über Kombinatorik, Ilmenau, 8-9 November 2013.
E. Barcucci,V. Vajnovszki,
Generalized Schröder permutations, Theoretical Computer Science,
502 (2013), 209-216.
T. Mansour, V. Vajnovszki,
Efficient generation of restricted growth words, Information Processing Letters,
113 (2013), 613-616.
A. Bernini, S. Bilotta, R. Pinzani and V. Vajnovszki,
Two Gray codes for q-ary k-generalized Fibonacci strings,
ICTCS 2013 September 9-11, 2013-Palermo, Italy.
V. Vajnovszki,
Pattern-based permutation statistics and code transforms,
Trends in Graph Theory and Combinatorics,
4-5 April 2013, Politecnico di Milano, Italy. Plenary speaker.
V. Vajnovszki,
Lehmer code transforms and Mahonian statistics on permutations,
Discrete Mathematics, 313 (2013), 581-589.
V. Vajnovszki,
ECO-based Gray codes generation for particular classes of words, Extended abstract,
GASCom'12, June 25-27, 2012, Bordeaux.
V. Vajnovszki,
Lehmer code transforms and Mahonian statistics on permutations,
Permutation Patterns 2012,
June 11-15, 2012, Strathclyde, Scotland.
V. Vajnovszki,
A new Euler-Mahonian constructive bijection,
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 159 (2011), 1453-1459.
V. Vajnovszki, R. Vernay,
Restricted compositions and permutations: from old to new Gray codes,
Information Processing Letters, 111 (13) (2011), 650-655.
T. Mansour, G. Nassar, V. Vajnovszki,
Loop-free Gray code algorithm for e-restricted growth fonctions,
Information Processin Letters, 111 (11) (2011), 541-544.
E. Syahrul, J. Dubois, V. Vajnovszki,
Combinatorial Transforms : Applications in Lossless Image Compression,
Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography, 14 (2) (2011), 129-147.
P.-T. Do, V. Vajnovszki,
Generating pattern avoiding permutations by ECO,
MATCOS-10, Koper, Slovenia, 13-14 October 2010.
E. Barcucci,V. Vajnovszki,
Generalized Schröder permutations,
GASCom 2010, Montréal, Canada, 2-4 September 2010.
R. Vernay, V. Vajnovszki,
Restricted compositions and permutations:
from old to new Gray codes,
8th French Combinatorial Conference,
28th June-2nd July 2010, University of Paris Sud.
V. Vajnovszki,
Generating involutions, derangements, and relatives by ECO,
DMTCS, 12 (1) (2010) 109-122.
M. Poneti, V. Vajnovszki,
Generating restricted classes of
involutions, Bell and Stirling permutations,
European Journal of Combinatorics, 31 (2010) 553-564.
E. Syahrul, J. Dubois, V. Vajnovszki, T. Saidani, M. Atri ,
Lossless Image Compression Using Burrows Wheeler Transform (Methods and Techniques).
In Signal Image Technology and Internet Based Systems, 2009.
V. Vajnovszki,
A new Euler-Mahonian constructive bijection,
WORDS 2009, Salerno, Italy, September 2009.
V. Vajnovszki,
Simple Gray codes constructed by ECO method
(extended abstract), JMIT, Mons, Belgique, 27-30 august 2008.
V. Vajnovszki,
Gray codes - from old to new order relations
(invited lecture).
GasCom 2008, June 16-20, Bibbiena, Italy.
W.M.B. Dukes, M. F. Flanagan, T. Mansour, V. Vajnovszki,
Combinatorial Gray codes for classes of pattern avoiding permutations,
Theoretical Computer Science, 396 (2008), 35-49.
A. Juarna, V. Vajnovszki,
Combinatorial isomorphism between Fibonacci classes,
Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography,
11(2) (2008), 147-158.
V. Vajnovszki,
More restrictive Gray codes for necklaces and Lyndon words,
IPL, 106 (3), (2008) 96-99.
P.-T. Do, V. Vajnovszki,
Exhaustive generation of some classes of pattern avoiding permutations,
Journée en l'honneur de Donald Knuth,
Bordeaux, 29-31 Ortobre 2007.
V. Vajnovszki,
Gray code order for Lyndon words,
Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science,
9 (2), 2007, 145-152.
A. Juarna, V. Vajnovszki,
Some Generalizations of a Simion-Schmidt Bijection,
The Computer Journal, 50(5), 2007, 574-580.
T. Mansour, V. Vajnovszki,
Restricted 123-avoiding Baxter permutations and the Padovan numbers,
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 155 (11), 2007, 1430-1440.
I. Fanti, M. Poneti and V. Vajnovszki,
Generating involution, Bell and Stirling permutations,
2-4 May Marseille, Luminy, France.
M. Weston, V. Vajnovszki,
Gray codes for necklaces and Lyndon words of arbitrary base,
PuMA, 17, (1-2), 2006, 175-182.
(also, Gascom'06, September 11 - 14, 2006,
Dijon, France, 55-62).
V. Vajnovszki, T. Walsh,
A loop-free two-close Gray code algorithm for listing
k-ary Dyck words,
Journal of Discrete Algorithms
4(4) (2006), 633-648.
A. Juarna, Vincent Vajnovszki,
Combinatorial isomorphisms beyond a Simion Schmidt's bijection,
CANT 2006, Liège.
J.-L. Baril, V. Vajnovszki,
Minimal change list for Lucas strings and some graph theoretic consequences,
Theoretical Computer Science 346 (2005), 189-199.
A. Juarna, Vincent Vajnovszki,
Isomorphism Between Classes Counted by Fibonacci Numbers,
Words 2005, September 13 - 17, 2005,
Montréal (QC) Canada, 51-62.
Jean-Luc Baril, Vincent Vajnovszki,
Gray Code for Derangements,
Discrete Applied Mathematics
140 (2004), 207-221.
Vincent Vajnovszki,
Gray viziting Lyndons,
Journées Montoises d'Informatique Théorique à Liège,
8-11 Septembre 2004
Cristian S. Calude, Michael J. Dineen, Vincent Vajnovszki,
Proceedings of 4th Internationa Conference on
Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science
, Springer, July 2003.
Jean-Luc Baril, Vincent Vajnovszki,
Gray codes for order p Lucas strings,
in Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on
Combinatorics on Words,
September 2003, Turku, Finland
(ed. Tero Harju and Juhani Karhumaki),
pp. 149-158. TUCS General Publication, No 27, August 2003.
R. Pattisina, V. Vajnovszki,
On the Reconstruction of a Motzkin Tree from its Code,
Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences
24 (3) (2003), 583-589.
V. Vajnovszki,
A Loopless Algorithm for Generating the Permutations of a Multiset
Theoretical Computer Science,
307 (2003), 415-431.
2002 and before
V. Vajnovszki,
Gray visiting Motzkins,
Acta Informatica
38(2002), 793-811.
V. Vajnovszki,
Generating a Gray Code for P-sequences,
The Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms
1(2002), 31-41.
V. Vajnovszki,
A loopless generation of bitstrings without p consecutive ones,
Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science -
Springer 2001, 227-240    
V. Vajnovszki, C. Phillips,
Systolic generation of k-ary trees,
Parallel Processing Letters, 9(1) (1999), 93-101
V. Vajnovszki,
Gray code for P-Sequences
Gascom '99, Bordeaux 18-19 mars 1999
V. Vajnovszki, C. Phillips,
On the Parallel Generation of P-Sequences,
International Journal of Computers and Their Applications,
6(1) (1999), 120-125.
V. Vajnovszki,
On the Loopless Generation of Binary Tree Sequences,
Information Processing Letters,
68 (1998), 113-117.
V. Vajnovszki,
Parallel Generation of Nondecreasing Paths and Applications,
in Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry
and Engineering,
November 11-13, 1998, Las Vegas, Nevada
(ed. W. Perrizo), pp. 183-187, ISCA, Cary, NC.
V. Vajnovszki, J. Pallo,
Parallel algorithms for generating well-formed parentheses strings,
Parallel Processing Letters, 8(1) (1998), 19-28.
V. Vajnovszki, C. Phillips,
An optimal systolic algorithm for generation of P-sequences,
in Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Parallel and
Computing Systems, New Orleans, Louisiana, October 1-3, 1997,
(ed. A. El-Amawy and S. Q. Zheng), pp. 209-212, ISCA, Raleigh, NC, 1997
V. Vajnovszki, C. Phillips,
Generating k-ary trees in parallel,
in Proceedings of Hight Performace Computing-IEEE,
pp. 117-121, April 28-May 2, 1997, Seoul, Korea
V. Vajnovszki, J. Pallo,
Ranking and Unranking of k-ary trees with 4k-4 letter
Journal of Information and Optimization Science,
18(2) (1997), 271-279
V. Vajnovszki, C. Phillips,
Optimal Parallel Algorithm for Generating k-ary trees,
in Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computers and
March 13-15, 1997, Tempe, Arizona, U.S.A, (ed. M. C. Woodfill), pp.
V. Vajnovszki,
Génération aléatoire des arbres binaires par des algorithmes de rang
Gascom 96, Caen 30 jan.- 1 fev. 1997
V. Vajnovszki, C. Phillips,
Two optimal parallel algorithms for generating P-sequences,
Proceedings of the 9th
International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems
(ed. K. Yetongnon and S. Hariri), pp. 819-821, ISCA, Raleigh, NC,
V. Vajnovszki,
Constant Time Algorithm for Generating Binary
Trees Gray Codes,
Studies in Informatics and Control, Vol.5(1)(1996), 15-21.
V. Vajnovszki,
Constant time generation of binary unordered trees,
Bulletin of EATCS, (57) oct. 1995, 221-229.
V. Vajnovszki,
Listing and Random Generation of Neuronal Trees Coded by Six
ACAM 4(1) (1995), 29-40.
V. Vajnovszki, J. Pallo,
Generating binary trees in A-order from codewords defined on
four-letter alphabet,
Journal of Information and Optimization Science, 15(3)(1994), 345-357.